
Virtual Fractality

November 2017

This project was a multi-departmental collaboration with students and faculty at Wentworth Institute of Technology. It featured new representations of the three-dimensional fractal, Apollonian Spheres. To find out more about this exhibition, click here.


KeyShot 7 Avatar

August 2017

I was honored to be asked to create the KeyShot 7 avatar. After several iterations, the avatar was introduced throughout KeyShot's branding and marketing material. To learn more about the latest version of KeyShot, click here.


KeyShot Webinar

May 2017

I discussed some methods and techniques to help create dynamic visuals using KeyShot camera animations. The complete video can be found here.


Heritage Museums and Gardens

September 2014

Another source of creative elements - this time from an historical perspective. This temporary exhibit entitled "Driving our Dreams" examined some of the groundbreaking automobile designs throughout the years.


Steamtown National Historic Site

August 2013

We paid a visit to the well-known railroad museum in Scranton, Pennsylvania. There was plenty of mechanical inspiration, as well as functional, constructional, and visual context.


College Think Tank Boston

June & November 2013

I was one of a dozen facilitators who took part in this great event. The goal was to encourage students across colleges to talk, share, collaborate, and innovate so Boston can become stronger. To find out more about the event, click here.